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Friday, 31 October 2014

Dog clears ebola testing

Dallas nurse Nina Pham, who recovered from an Ebola infection, will be reunited with 1-year-old King Charles Spaniel on Saturday after testing indicated the pet was free of Ebola, a spokeswoman for the city of Dallas said on Thursday.

The dog named Bentley had been removed from Pham's apartment by animal workers in protective suits. It was placed in a 21-day quarantine to check for signs of infection after Pham was diagnosed with the disease and placed in isolation.

"All three samples came back negative today. We're planning the big reunion for Saturday - Nina is ready!" city spokeswoman Sana Syed wrote on her Twitter feed.


The pet has been under the spotlight after officials in Madrid caused an international uproar when they put down the dog of a Spanish nurse who contracted Ebola after caring for a patient.

Pham, the first person to become infected with Ebola in the United States, was released from a National Institutes of Health hospital in Maryland on October 24 after being declared free of the deadly virus.

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