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One of the biggest things that empties your wallet is shopping. People have a temptation that when they see something they like they want to buy it. Before you buy it consider these things.

  1. Will you use it?
  2. What will you use it for?
  3. How often will you use it?
  4. What is it's purpose?
  5. Is it really worth it?
The worst thing is buying something and then deciding you don't want it any more.

My Dad always told me if you see something you like say "Oh I like that" and walk away. If you still like it sometime later go see it again and say "Oh I like that" and walk away again. If for a third time you find you still like this time you may buy it.

 Then again I always seem to find an exeption to this rule when the item goes on special for below wholesale price. For example a $50 item on sale for $19.99.

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