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Building Your Savings

Saving Money For Children.

When you want to save money the first thing you want to do is set a savings goal. For example if you are five you want to have enough money to buy a train set for Christmas or if you are a girl that doll you have always been wanting. It also helps if the goal is clear and decisive.

Having a piggyback makes a great place to store all the spear change you might gather like your one and two dollar coins. Just remember every little bit counts. Having a family member hide the piggy bank can also help because it will help you to not spend the money while you are meaning to save.

If you find a coin on the side walk don't be temped to just take it down to the store and spend it because every little coin counts in the long run.

By asking a family member to keep on your back about your saving can also help to especially if it's someone you love as they will mean more to you and you will not want to defie them as much as you would just know well.

Having a calendar to count down is also useful as it encourages you spend less and wait for the date to come when you have allowed yourself to spend money.

If you have to spend before your deadline spend your money wisely because if you don't you might not be able to reach your deadline with the correct amount of money.

Buying food items from the store with your money will only give you a short burst of pleasure and no where near as much as you will get when you buy what you have been saving for.

Tracking your savings is also a good idea because you can then see hoe far you have come and how far you have to go.

Finding ways to earn money is also a good idea. If you have neighbours with a baby you could offer to baby sit while they go out or clean their house for them so that they have time to look after the baby. You could also do chores at home and ask your parents to give you money. Doing a paper round is also a good way to earn money. If you live in New Zealand you can go to to sign up for a paper round job. You do not however have to be in New Zealand to sign up for a paper round I'm sure there will be companies in places like UK and America that you can sign up to to do a paper round. You could also do other things like tend to a neighbours garden or sweep their path to earn some money.

One other way is to sell some of your things or create a lemonade stand or somthing like that where you sell you stuff.

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